Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Getting Debt Counseling For Consolidated Loans

Credit counseling is credit counseling and debt consolidation is debt consolidation and never shall they meet. If you to share this opinion, then it is high time you change it. Things did not work in watertight compartments as far as finances are concerned. There always is room for some interlinking.

That is the reason why a credit counseling session invariably is done before any debt relief option. A clear and specific analysis of the financial situation along with a list of assets and liabilities and explanation of income and expenses will help the expert find out the best options available.

How to Become Debt-Free and

Own Your Own Paycheck


If you are searching for a debt consolidation loan so that you can repay all your existing debts and you can revert back to your stable financial life, then you will have to get a debt counseling session done. The simplest reason why you should go in for such a session is that there always is a possibility that you may have been mistaken.

Perhaps credit counseling will help you find out that consolidation is not the right way to proceed. If you have a high credit score but if you are relying on credit cards for your expenses and if your income has come down to very low levels and if your savings are all eaten up, then a consolidation is not going to be of any use.

You need a steady income and a stable life if you want to overcome your financial problems. Consolidation is a useful option only for those who have problems in managing the excessive debts and the credit cards that they have accumulated. It is basically a solution for management problem and not for an income expense gap.

Credit Card Debt Statute Of Limitation

Counseling will clearly tell the expert whether you have made the right decision not. All it takes is a consolidation decision instead of a settlement decision to end up in bankruptcy. Once you go in for such a loan and you go in for bankruptcy later, the lender might very well claim that you did it on purpose. Such a move is going to put you into deep trouble.

Rather than face complications at a later debt, it makes more sense to get the best possible relief very quickly. If you are interested in getting a session done but if you do not know where to start and whom to contact, just get in touch with your debt relief expert on the World Wide Web. You can get in touch with as many experts as you want and get the best possible relief.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Whenever there has been a problem of finances, debt consolidation loans has been the major solution that has emerged. However, many are doubtful as to whether this can prove to be a viable solution. Generally this is considered to be a good option if the interest rate is lower than the current rate. If not, then it is of no use.

There have been instances wherein people have resorted to bankruptcy to evade debts. Ideally, bankruptcy must be only considered if all the other options have failed. If there are no options left, then there is no point prolonging your condition. You can consider this. Bankruptcy must always be considered as the last option. Under this a person would publicly declare himself or herself bankrupt and express inability to make further payments. It can be considered as the one stop solution for innumerable debts.

However, you must understand that there is a social stigma attached to it. The moment you declare yourself as bankrupt, you would be making your condition public. Immediately, lenders and the society will come to know your condition. This is a fearful condition. When considered to this, some people also give a thought to IVA. This is less severe than bankruptcy. However, by and large many people consider debt consolidation.

There are many advantages of considering debt consolidation:
• It is single and easy to manage monthly payment to handle • Monthly outgoings will be reduced by as much as 60% • Frozen interest rates on all loans, pay only the principal amount • Put an end to creditor harassment • Re-establish your credit rating • Clear all your debts in less than 5 years.

You can literally drive away dangerous debts with this. When your multiple loans are combined together you end up paying a lower APR and are no longer troubled by creditors! You no longer fear the first of every month which brings with it a box of bills! Our debt consolidation deals have helped settle debts for thousands of debtors who had lost all hope.

If you are still not sure whether this is the right choice for you, you can reach out to a team of financial experts. You can follow three simple step that will lead you to a TRULY CHEAP Debt Consolidation loan:

• Speak to us about your financial status • Discuss your options with our experts • Submit your details for free/no obligation quotes
Doing so can help you ease your financial situation!
Kanchana D, Ezine Expert Author, Platinum Status

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